By: Sabiha Saifi
Your Choice!!! |
Ever wondered how beautiful a rose is… but after being used it is thrown in the dustbin!!! Ever noticed a pearl being deep inside the ocean covered in the shell, still it has got a super value and you will never see anybody even thinking of throwing down, leave about dustbin. What do u wish for yourself? A rose that is being used for pleasure for a time and then thrown in a dustbin or a pearl which has got an ever ending respect? Obviously, a pearl!
We are living in the 21st century, we believe in “logics” and we always require LOGIC before accepting anything. We need logical reasons before accepting any thing. We don’t believe in copying things blindly! We want a “logical life” and we want to live a life as per ourselves. In short, we believe in “I am what I am”!
Unfortunately… outrageously… though we don’t like to copy, but we do still copy blindly even without knowing its after-effects (or side effects). Yes! I am talking about the dressing style of my sisters which they are blindly copying from the western culture. You must be thinking “what after effects am I talking about?” According to you, you are strong and brave enough to protect yourself even in jeans and mini skirt! Ok, for the sake of argument I agree, but then what about the hereafter? When you will be standing in front of ALLAH and you will be questioned about your dressing style? You may have performed salah regularly, and you may be a good Muslima. But when it comes to dressing, you have disobeyed your Creator’s command.
"And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms and not display their beauty except to their husbands, their fathers, their husband's fathers, their sons, their husbands' sons, their brothers or their brothers' sons, or their sisters' sons, or their women, or the slaves whom their right hands possess, or male servants free of physical needs, or small children who have no sense of the shame of sex; and that they should not strike their feet in order to draw attention to their hidden ornaments. And O ye Believers! turn ye all together towards God, that ye may attain Bliss." {Surah Noor (24):31}. Even our beloved Prophet Muhammad (s) prohibited women to dress like men.
On that day, what reply will you give on disobeying the commandment of ALLAH??
“As to those who believe and work righteousness, ALLAH will pay them (in full) their reward; but Allah loves not those who do wrong. (Al Quran ch3: v 57)”
Many of my sisters say, it is cool, it is comfortable, it is just a part of culture and everybody dresses like that. They just wear jeans and don’t get exposed. It is just normal. But I tell them, have you ever noticed Allah’s valuable creations?? He has made valuable things in the world covered and well protected. Where do you find Diamond? Deep down the ground, covered and protected. Where do you find Pearls? Deep in the bottom of the ocean, covered up in a beautiful shell. O my dear sisters, your body is sacred. You are more precious than diamonds and pearls. Don’t you think you should be covered too?
The Prophet (s) said, “The whole world is to be enjoyed, but the best thing in the world is a pious woman.” (Muslim)
In the name of modernization, many people think that it is fine in wearing any kind of dress. Whether it covers the whole body or not, it doesn’t matter. If exposure of body is modernization of women, then I think animals are more modernized than us. It is shame on us that we – being girls – do not hesitate to wear any kind of dress. We don’t even care to expose ourselves and give a chance for an eve-teaser and be a part to destroy an ethical society. It is rightly said “Every action has an equal and opposite reaction”.
Covering does NOT mean DEGRADING; it is just protecting…
If a doctor advices you to wear specs/gogs (while riding the scooty or bike) so that your eyes are protected from dust and dirt (as they are delicate) does it mean that you are degrading your eyes??? Or does it mean that your eyes are of less importance??? Of course not; because they are delicate so you need to protect them, the same goes with you, my dear sisters.
If a president of a country gets special security, does it mean he is degraded, he is out-dated? Or is he honoured? Similarly you are honoured in the house of Islam and you are protected from an evil-eye just as the president.
Can you ever deny an order or request that you receive from your loved one? If she wants to talk to you or meet you, would you like to deny? Then how can you deny the commandment of your Lord, who loves you the most, more than anyone else, the one who is going to reward you Paradise in the hereafter. Can you ever get a better gift than Paradise? Can you? NO!!! Then what are you waiting for? What is stopping you from wearing your hijaab? Go ahead my sisters; protect yourselves from the Hell-fire and being eve-teased by guys. Start wearing hijaab. None of us know when we are going to die! Who can save us from the hell-fire? It will be our own deeds, and our obedience to Allah – the Almighty. Decide for yourself which way you want to choose? Hell or heaven?
Last but not the least, What do we do when our Love stop listening to us… starts ignoring us… and that love starts loving someone else… starts praising somebody else… what do u do? Won’t you leave your love? And don’t you think your Lord has got the same right, when you are ignoring him, not obeying His commandment, you start loving the devils by following their footsteps, copying them blindly!!! Even then, Allah says, “But Indeed your Lord is Most Merciful, so return to Him in repentance.” And prophet (s) said, “Allah is happier with the repentance of His servant than anyone of you on finding his camel after he has lost it in a desert. (Bukhari, Muslim)”. Ask forgiveness from Him, start obeying His commandments. Convince Him, for you have to get to your final destination – the Paradise!
Hijab covers our body not our brain. It never abstain us to free and open thinking; it brings about peace and stability in the society. There are many women in the society who observes complete hijab and created astonishing career and are well respected in the society, not only by Muslims but Non-Muslims too. We don’t need to expose our beauty to show our intelligence! Alhamdulilah.
Proud to be Muslimah- A Real Pearl
Now I want to ask my sisters, what is your logic behind exposing yourself or following trend blindly???