

Blog Archive

Iftikhar Islam

From PW Minds

Hijaab in Islam - Answered by Dr. Zakir Naik

Dr. Zakir Naik clarifies about the concept of Hijaab in Islam.

Al Hijaab - The symbol of Modesty is a new blog consisting articles, pictures and videos on the subject "Hijaab" [Insha Allah]. You can also contibute to our effort and send your article or video on this subject on

Friday, July 26, 2013

What should you do in those situations - Chance of getting Molested and Rape

Girls Be Careful !! 1) What should a woman do if she finds herself alone in the company of a strange male as she prepares to enter a lift in a high-rise apartment late at night? Experts Say: Enter the lift. If you need to reach the 13th floor, press all the buttons up to your destination. No one will dare attack you in a lift that stops on every floor. 2) What to do if a stranger tries to attack you when you are alone in your house, run into the kitchen. Experts Say: You alone know where the chili powder and turmeric are kept.And where the...
Under construction.. coming soon.. Insha Allah